Most people don’t realise that there is a big North Korean community living in Japan. After the Korean peninsula was devided into half in 1945, there were still hundreds of thousands of Koreans living in Japan. Some of them returned to Korea, but many of them stayed in Japan and live here until today. I visited director of Life Funds for North Korean Refugees NGO, Hiroshi Kato, and talked with him about the history of Japanese Koreans.
Archiwa kategorii: English
Book review ‚North Korea Confidential’ – Daniel Tudor & James Pearson
We’ve all heared about North Korean nuclear tests, missle lunches, kidnappings of foreigners, drug trafficking, concentration camps and human rights issues. In fact, we hear about these things almost every day and no wonder North Korea has a terrible image of a mad rampage country all over the world. But there is one thing we miss, when faced with such coverage of North Korea – it’s the Korean people. New book by James Pearson and Daniel Tudor titled „North Korea Confidential” tries to fill this gap and shows us the reality of lives of ordinary people in North Korea.
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Interview with Felix Abt – Hermit Kingdom from within
During the last Google Hangout, my first guest, Felix Abt, whom I interviewed this month, has sent me his answers to my questions as we didn’t have time to cover all the topics. He took a huge effort to answer to every one of my questions about North Korea. If you missed the live interview or you prefer reading than watching Youtube, you might find this interesting.
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